Friday, November 20, 2009

Dear Mom,
Ahh, Friday night. I was wanting to go to the movies tonight, but all my friends were working. So I was going to be like you and just go by myself, then I had a friend call and we are going tomorrow night, yay. We are going to see couples retreat. Looks funny, laughing would do me good.

Dad took Kara to spend the night tonight. He has plans of getting out the fiber optic Christmas tree and decorating up the living room. And if I know dad (as of now) that place will be all Christmas'ed out. I am thinking that it will be overly decorated. But oh well.

I just read that Old Navy is opening at 3 am for black Friday. That's getting a little ridiculous. I remember dragging my self out of bed to make the 6 am sale at Mervyns. But 3 am? no way! I will miss you even more (is that possible?) that day. I am going shopping, but I guess it will be by myself. Kara's still to young to bring out into that kind of crowd, but before long I will bring her to get the steal of deals!

Aunt Laurie came by and brought us a turkey for thanksgiving and the coolest little light up tree with poker chips and cards on it. So we now have a mini Christmas tree going on now.

Oh the things I think of all day long that I want to tell you, not 10 minutes goes by that I don't wish to talk to you.
Love Always


  1. I didn't know you started the new blog and it makes me cry! So sad for you and your loss.

  2. It's my therapy. And my way to still talk to her.
